A B O U T    R I C A R D O    A N D    M I R I A M   |   Father and Daughter

This experience will affect Miriam for the rest of her life. Miriam, who had never felt like a dissident and who had always acknowledged many of the revolution's achievements, has now been made a pariah. Having previously only toyed with the idea of emigration, Miriam is now eager to leave. Miriam and Augusto urgently apply to relatives in Miami to help them obtain visas for the United States.

But at the same time Miriam is afraid of being exiled. She is suffering from the dilemma of the leftist opposition within a so-ca lied leftist state. She certainly does not want Cuba to become a bordello for Yankees again. What she wants is democracy and freedom of speech. She is dreaming of a third option, knowing full well that the very proximity of Cuba to the United 5.tates makes it impossible.

In 1992 the Swiss writer and filmmaker Christian Frei first approaches the family. The idea of a film project makes both Miriam and Ricardo afraid that their barely healed scars might be reopened.
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